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Suzann Wikstrom

How much does a sewing machine cost?

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

There is a jungle out there of sewing machines A lot of beginners are asking us how much money you should pay for a decent sewing machine. What's great about sewing machines is that you pay for what you get.

How much does a sewing machine costs?

A new sewing machine costs from 20 USD and up to several thousand dollars. When it comes to sewing machines you pay for what you get. anywhere from 100 USD and upwards will give you a decent sewing machine that is easy to understand and operate. If you want to start sewing regularly I would recommend buying sewing machines from around 200USD and upwards. That will give you a more powerful machine that is easy to understand and operate, also for beginners. You can also save money by buying second-hand sewing machines.



Known vs. Unkown sewing machine brands:

There are some branding prices in the sewing machine marked as well. Sewing Machines from big well-known sewing machine manufacturers usually cost around 20%-50% more than a sewing machine from a less known manufacturer. Even tho buying a sewing machine from an unknown manufacturer could save you money, its a bigger chance of you being less happy. Studies show that the well-known sewing machine manufacturer makes sewing machine that is easier to understand and operate than other manufacturers.

Should I buy my sewing machine online or at a local store?

Buying sewing machines online can be cheaper than buying them at a local store. A great thing about buying sewing machines at a local store is that you usually get a lot of help. Some store does even offer sewing courses to get you started. You can also get a discount on other products or services regarding the sewing machine.

These are our tips on buying a sewing machine. Make sure to use google and youtube to find the sewing machine you like. If you have a local store that sells sewing machines, stop by and see what they have to offer.

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