Choosing the right needle for your sewing machine is very important. It will make the job easier and leave a better result. But how do you find the perfect needle for your project?
We will tell you about the needles you need to know about, and if you click on the needle image, it will take you straight to Amazon, where you can read more about it. You can also order the needles directly from Amazon using that link. We will leave a printable needles size guide at the bottom of the page.
Standard / Universal Needles:
These needles are sharp enough to go through the woven fabric. This needle is the most effective needle for cotton canvas fabric.
The universal / Standard is not recommend for use on stretchy fabric such as jersey. It will puncture the fabric fibers and leave holes.
Microtex Needles:
The microtex needles is made for silk and microfiber fabrics that are tightly woven.. They will not destroy the thin farbic fibers.
The microtex needles is made for thin fabrics only. Using the microtex needles in other, thicker fabrics can break the needle.
Ballpoint Needles:
You can use the ballpoint needles in a cotton jersey and some type of knits. The knitted fabric needs a needle that penetrates through the material without splitting the threads.
Stretch Needle:
This needle has a medium ballpoint tip. We use the stretch needle in very stretchy fabric, which is containing elastane/lycra. When sewing in swimwear, this is the appropriate needle.
Jeans/Denim Needle:
These can sew through thick-woven fabrics without breaking. Use this on heavy, tightly woven fabric, like denim, canvas, and upholstery fabrics.
Topstitch Needle:
These are suitable for straight stitching, edging, decorative sewing, and embroidery. The eye of the needle is large enough for a thick or double thread.
Leather Needle:
The leather needle has a flat and sharp tip that will cut entirely through the leather. This needle sews so that the holes become permanent. Keep a close eye on where the needle hits. Do not sew backward but fasten or tie the threads.
Embroidery Needle
Designed for rayon and polyester embroidery applications and prevents the thread from splitting.
Quilting Needle:
This needle has a more extended, narrower tip that sews through several layers. Use this to get the best result for quilting on a machine.
Why is choosing the correct needle so important?
First, take a look at what a needle does; it goes in and out of the fabric, messing or even breaking the fabric's structure. We want a needle that goes in and makes as little damage to the material as possible. You can ruin your sewing project by using the wrong needle. and sometimes, you won't even discover the damages until the garment has been washed.
. You also have to check your sewing machine's manual and read about what sewing needles your sewing machine can use.
Here is the Needle Size guide, Feel free to right click and download it!